Sale items

This is the area where Items that got broken and fixed, just werent good enough, or just may not be selling will be put. If you see anything you like please email me- it may have been sold already ^^

Special Alley cats- these are Alley cats the got broken and fixed by the vet, or got smudged- or just arent up to snuff to be sold at the regular price, they're all still good and they all still need love. And they are also still accessible to be given vet care.

Sale charms- these are charms that arent quite up to standard- still good, but now you can get them at a discount!

Sale sculptures-
Sculptures I made that got broken and fixed, or just didnt turn out how I wanted-maybe you'd want them?

Other sale Items- Items on sale that dont fit anywhere else. who knows what you'll find!